Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Nuevo Programa de Radio "Amanecer Ranchero" en la Universidad de Ottawa

Dear friends,

It is with great pleasure that we are announcing that as of Saturday, September 1st 2007, the radio show "Dawn on the Ranch" will be on air from 6 to 7 am at 89.1 FM Ottawa University radio station and on the Internet at http://www.chuo.fm

The purpose of this program is to inform our community and to cooperate in the maintenance of our culture and values with much pride. We will be bringing for you ranchera music, a variety of Latin beats, the community events, the local, national and international news, as well as, interviews on subjects of interest for our community.

Please feel free to make use of this program to announce your events and businesses. All support is welcome, being in the form of donations of Latin music, spreading the word about the Dawn on the Ranch radio show or sending any feedback. Please let your friends and your community know about the opening of this show by forwarding this message through your contacts.

We thank you in advance for listening to "Dawn on the Ranch" and for your support to the CHUO 89.1 FM, your University of Ottawa community radio station.

Sincerely, your hosts,

Felix Grande, Hada Mendez ARancheroOtt@gmail.com

613-562-5928 (request line) 613-562-5965 (CHUO 89.1 FM office)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Noche de música y poesía latinoamericana 2007

Parte del Festival Latinoamericano 2007.

Música, danza, poesía y narrativa latinoamericana con autoras/es locales

Fecha: Sábado 22 de septiembre

Lugar: Iglesia Sagrada Familia 152 Glenora Street, Ottawa

Hora: 7:30 pm

Donativo sugerido: $5.00

Contaremos con la venta de vino y bocadillos tradicionales


Federación de Estudiantes Mexicanos en Canadá, FEMEX

Red Cultural Hispánica

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Difundimos la siguiente invitación, recibida de parte de la Embajada de Chile y la Escuela de Extensión de la UNAM:
La Embajada de Chile

y la Escuela de Extensión de la UNAM

le invitan a la inauguración de la exposición

"Retratar la Ausencia / Pablo Neruda"

del fotógrafo

Luis Poirot

y a la conferencia Neruda: "El último rostro" del

Prof. Fernando Veas

Jueves, 30 agosto, 2007, 19:15 hrs.

Sala Felipe S. Gutiérrez / UNAM

(La exposición permanecerá abierta hasta el jueves 6 de septiembre)

55, promenade du Portage, Gatineau, Québec J8X 2J9 Tel. (819) 777-8626 www.unameseca.com

Monday, August 13, 2007

Tertulia, 17 de Agosto 2007