Monday, April 30, 2007

Culture & Music of Guatemala with a Vibrant Marimba Concert.

The Ottawa and Gatineau Guatemalan Association (OGGA)is proud to present this nationally recognized Guatemalan group as they play in Ottawa for the first time.

Guatemalan music stems from the culture of the Maya people, and has been modified by Spanish and West African

influences. The Marimba is similar to the xylophone and is Guatemala's national instrument, and is used to play a variety of kinds of music, including both local folk and internationally well-known and sophisticated popular music.

This is a must see concert

Date: May 8

Time : 6.00pm for authentic Guatemalan food and 8.00pm for the concert
Place: Centre Francophone de Vanier, 270 Marier Ave, Ottawa,(corner of Montreal rd)
Cost: $20.00 (free for under 12)

Tickets available at Video Latino, Mercado Latino, Restaurant La
Cabana, La Colonia Groceries.

For further information please contact the OGGA (613) 247 1592

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Noche de literatura y música, Biblioteca Central 25 de abril, 2007

Miercoles 25 de abril. Ottawa. Una noche de literatura y música. La biblioteca pública de Ottawa y Mapalé Artes y Letras invitan a una lectura del libro Tres lotos en un mar de fuego de la autora chilena-canadiense y a un recital de violines con el Duetto Forte, Monika Salva y Marlene Cruz-Lozano. Esta actividad cuenta con el auspicio de la Embajada de Chile. Biblioteca Central, 120 Metcalfe Ottawa. 7:30 p.m. (1.5 hr.) Información: 613-828-8151 (entrada gratuita)

Tres lotos en un mar de fuego
will be available in English soon! Buy now before it reach to the bookstores: to buy with cheque click here.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

10 Años de El Dorado / 10th year of El Dorado

10 Años de El Dorado / 10th year of El Dorado

Estimados amigos / as:

En el año de su décimo aniversario, el viernes 27 del presente el Taller Cultural El Dorado presenta como invitado especial a Carlos Pérez, poeta venezolano residente en Ottawa, quien reconoce como influencia a los grandes poetas latinoamericanos y el discurso postcolonial de algunos poetas caribeños anglófonos, entre otras predilecciones.Carlos ha interpretado su poesía en las calles de Quebec City durante las jornadas contra la Guerra, también en La Habana, Cuba, y en eventos y conferencias a favor de los derechos humanos y la justicia social. En 2006 representó a Venezuela en la Gala de las Américas, evento en Ottawa en que las embajadas de las Américas eligen a un lector que interprete los textos poéticos que consideran esenciales para sus países. Elaño pasado publicó Araguaney, cuaderno de poemas en Dusty Owl Press.

Dear Friends:
In the year of it’s tenth anniversary, El Dorado will feature on Friday, April 27, poet Carlos Perez, a Venezuelan poet heavily influenced by the great Latin American poets and English language Caribbean post-colonial narratives.
He has performed in the riot-happy streets of Quebec City, the tropical city of Havana, and at conferences for several social justice and human rights groups. In 2006, he represented Venezuela in the Gala of the Americas. Last year, he published Araguaney, a poetry chapbook (Dusty Owl Press)
Como de costumbre, en esta sesión habrá un micrófono abierto al cual se invita a escritores/as, poetas e intérpretes musicales a participar de esta sesión.

As usual, there will be an open “mic” to invite poets/writers and musical performers to participate at this session

Venga y comparta con nosotros sus poemas, sus narraciones y su música.

Come and share with us your poetry, stories and music.

El Dorado se reúne el último viernes de cada mes en el Rasputin's Folk Cafe696 Bronson Ave., Ottawa, (613) 230-5102 a las 8:00 p.m.El Dorado meets the last Friday of every month at Rasputin's Folk Cafe

Friday, April 20, 2007

La Tertulia, viernes 20 de Abril 2007

El Festival Quebec Scene, 2007

El Festival Quebec Scene

Del 20 de Abril al 5 de Mayo del 2007, el Centro Nacional de las Artes reunirá a 700 artistas de Québec en un festival artístico y cultural denominado The Quebec Scene.

Este festival tendrá lugar en más de 25 centros de espectáculos y galerías en toda la región de Ottawa / Gatineau, incluyendo los cuatro escenarios del Centro Nacional de las Artes, la Casa de Cultura de Gatineau, museos y galerías, teatros y salas de conciertos, clubes, bares y restaurantes.

Siendo éste un festival multicultural, The Quebec Scene presentará algunos espectáculos de música latina que estamos seguros serán de especial interés para la comunidad latinoamericana, tales como:

Paulo Ramos,

20 de Abril (Brasil)

Guitarrista, cantante y compositor de Montreal que transmite toda la sensualidad de su país de origen: Brasil. Su ritmo soñador y su suave voz nos transportan a las cálidas playas brasileñas. Más que tratar de reinventar la música popular brasileña, Paulo Ramos busca dominar su autenticidad. ¡Simplemente encantador!

Conjunto Rómulo Larrea, Tango First Century

25 de Abril (Uruguay)

Este grupo interpretará un extenso repertorio usando una inusual combinación de trío tradicional de tango (bandoneón, piano y contrabajo) con un cuarteto clásico de cuerdas, regalándonos así una hermosa mezcla de música clásica y moderna que nos hará vibrar y soñar cuando, aunado a esto, los seis miembros de Tango First Century nos deleiten con una deslumbrante demostración de una de las más bellas danzas del siglo XXI.

Carlos Placeres, Joaquín Díaz y Caridad Cruz,

28 de Abril (Cuba y República Dominicana)

¡Ésta será una verdadera fiesta latina! El gran trovador Carlos Placeres interpretará sus propias canciones, así como algunos clásicos cubanos, al ritmo de bolero, guaracha y rumba. Al mismo tiempo, estará compartiendo el escenario con Joaquín Díaz -conocido como el embajador de la música folclórica dominicana – y Caridad Cruz, la diva cubana de Québec.


2 de Mayo

Este grupo debe su éxito a la mezcla cultural que imprime a sus interpretaciones. Actualmente, Constantinople está presentando su proyecto Terra Nostra con el cual explora la música mexicana del siglo XVII, con músicos provenientes de la región de Veracruz.

Colectivo, Afrodizz,

4 de Mayo

¡Este espectáculo es único! Colectivo es una fiesta mexicana desbordante de energía, color y ritmo. Afrodizz es una mezcla de ritmos Nigerianos y música Afro-americana, soul, funk y jazz.

Para mayor información pueden visitar nuestra página en Internet:

Los boletos se encuentran a la venta en la taquilla del Centro Nacional de las Artes, en Ticket master al 613.755.1111 o en nuestra página de Internet.

Monday, April 09, 2007




All screenings at
395, rue Wellington Street
National Archives Auditorium
Archives nationales du canada


The Canadian Film Institute is proud to present its 11th annual showcase of the cinemas of Latin America. All films are Ottawa premieres.

Fri./ven., March 30 mars, 19:00 ARGENTINA
Director: Gabriel Lichtmann Argentina 2005, 89 minutes

SPACE, by Gabriel Lichtmann, is a brilliant, unconventional comedy that captures the eclectic realities of a Jewish family in contemporary Argentina. Set in Buenos Aires, it portrays the dynamic impact family reunions, such as Passover, can have on certain members of the family. Characters include three jealous sisters, a suicidal
grandfather, a kleptomaniac niece, and Santiago, who is in love with his own cousin. SPACE offers an array of peculiar yet comical scenarios that leave us questioning our own family values and give new meaning to the traditional Passover question, "Why is this night different from all the other nights?" English sub-titles.

Sat./sam. March 31 mars, 19:00 BRAZIL
Director: Carlos Diegues Brazil 2006, 106 minutes.

A lonely bachelor, Antonio is a famous and successful Brazilian astrophysicist who has spent most of his adult life in the United States. Now at age 55, he discovers that he has a fatal brain tumor and decides to return to his native land to receive a last official tribute. While in Rio de Janeiro, Antonio goes to an old age home to visit his adoptive father. On learning that Antonio is soon to die the father confesses he knows who Antonio’s biological mother was and gives him a few clues about his birth. Antonio follows the clues to the Rio de Janeiro lowlands, where his real mother is said to have lived and died. There he meets Zezé, the best friend of his deceased mother, and learns he was born on the day when Brazil lost the World Cup to Uruguay at the Maracana Stadium. The past is opening up To Antonio, but will he die before he learns the truth? Winner of the Best Picture Award, 2006 Montreal World Film Festival. English sub-titles.

Sun./dim. April 1 avril, 19:00 CHILE
Director: Silvio Caiozzi Chile 2004, 127 minutes.

This comedy is full of the misadventures of Marcos, an insignificant middle-aged banker torn between his love of art and his almost obsessive thoughts about his plump girlfriend, Hilda. In his attempt to materialize this dream, Marcos convinces her to go with him to a mid-winter weekend getaway to a desolate beach resort. Atop an oceanfront hill, he discovers the true meaning of his existence. Master Chilean filmmaker Silvio Caiozzi’s latest work is a sophisticated comedy about the art of love and also the love of art, but not necessarily in that order. English sub-titles.

Mon./lun. April 2 avril, 19:00 COLOMBIA
Director: Libia Stella Gomez Colombia 2005, 97 minutes.

An ambitious period piece, set in 1940s Bogata, HISTORY recounts the true-crime history of a woman who was found dead in a trunk at a train station in Bogata. The case is assigned to detective Corzo who is constantly met with resistance from yellow journalist Mosquera. There is something mysterious about the case and the unidentified dead girl, as it seems Mosquera is trying to sabotage the solving of the crime at every turn. He publishes a false account of the colour of the trunk the girl was found in, claiming it was pink when in fact it was brown and wooden. With the help of a bartender, Corzo will be led down a strange path toward the identity of the girl and reason behind her murder. English subtitles.

Tues./mardi April 3 avril, 19:00 CUBA
Director: Juan Carlos Cremata Malberti Cuba 2005, 80 minutes.

In a tale akin to “Romeo and Juliet,” the friendship between two children is threatened by their parents’ differences. Malú is from an upper-class family and her single mother does not want her to play with Jorgito, as she thinks his background coarse and commonplace. Jorgito’s mother, a poor socialist proud of her family’s social standing, places similar restrictions on her son. What neither woman recognizes is the immense strength of the bond between Malú and Jorgito. VIVA CUBA is a wonderful, fresh film for all ages. It touches upon many of Cuba’s contentious issues in a frank and honest manner. This is a nation in flux and, while his approach is skilled and affectionate, Cremata Malberti does not shy away from asking difficult questions. English sub-titles.

Wed./mer. April 4 avril, 19:00 MEXICO
Director: Fernando Eimbcke Mexico 2004, 87 minutes

Flama and Moko are fourteen years old; they have been best friends since they were kids. They have everything they need to survive yet another boring Sunday: an apartment without parents, videogames, porn magazines, soft drinks and pizza delivery. The electricity company, Rita, the neighbor, Ulises, a pizza deliveryman, eleven seconds, the Real Madrid-Manchester game, some chocolate brownies and a horrible painting of ducks, all combine to break the harmony of what promised to be a placid Sunday, and reveal issues such as the parents' divorce, loneliness, the confusion between adolescent love and friendship, as well as frustration in adult life. DUCK SEASON is an offbeat gem. English sub-titles.

Wed./mer. April 4 avril, 21:00 VENEZUELA
Director: Alfredo J. Anzola Venezuela 2005, 95 minutes.

1888: THE EXTRAORDINARY VOYAGE OF THE SANTA ISABEL is a whimsical adventure fantasy about a tired Jules Verne, fleeing from Paris and a bored wife, who joins Italian explorer Stradelli in an expedition on the Orinoco River. Along the way they pickup a young stranger- a woman disguised as a man, searching for her lost father. Selected as the official Venezuelan entry to the 2005 Academy Awards, in the Best Foreign Film category. English sub-titles

Thurs./jeu April 5 avril, 19:00 URUGUAY
14 Days In Paradise
Director: Bill Marks Uruguay-Canada 2007, 87 minutes.

Ten years ago, Alex Johnson was on top of the world as the most popular member of a famous boy-band. These days however, Alex’s star doesn’t shine so high or so bright and while his career falls apart, the only thing holding him together is his up-coming marriage to Verónica, a Uruguayan beauty queen. But when Alex and his parents, Al and Barbara, travel to his winter home in beautiful Punta del Este, things fall apart in a very bad way when Al winds up in bed with Verónica. A charming, madcap comedy about cold hearts in the heat of Uruguayan sun 14 DAYS IN PARADISE is two weeks you’ll never forget. English sub-titles. Filmmakers will be in attendance.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Victor Hernandez, artista Mexicano en la UNAM, este Martes 3, Abril 2007